Community service

Community connections

The arts are not just for personal enrichment. It also bridges students’ engagement with issues of the day and they are encouraged to use their talents to benefit society in more tangible ways than entertainment and conceptual exploration. For CFA’s Arts Excellence groups, contributing to various causes is part of their culture as they have taken it upon themselves to develop regular, sustainable community projects.

Past Highlight

Project Youtherly (NUS Dance Synergy, 2015-)

In collaboration with the Fei Yue Senior Activity centre, Project Youtherly mobilises the transformative power of dance to promote healthy living and active ageing among the seniors. Over the course of three iterations, the project has also fostered sustained companionship and intergenerational bonding between NUS Dance Synergy members and the elderly participants.

Apart from the principal objectives of contributing to society and aiding the less fortunate, these programmes also serve to promote the arts and show how they can be inclusive and accessible to all, regardless of age, cultural background or physical differences.

This ongoing commitment to community is also a foundational value of our key supporters, the Tan Ean Kiam Foundation, who recognise our group’s efforts to benefit society by conferring the Outstanding Community Service Award at the annual Tan Ean Kiam Arts Awards.