NUS Arts Festival

The largest arts event on campus is presented each year in March and collaborative practice is at the heart of its programming.

Working with local and international practitioners, our student artists are encouraged to avail themselves to the content-rich environment within the University, grounding their work in deep knowledge and using it as the basis of the development process.

Each iteration of the Festival is crafted with a core theme that responds to contemporary issues and facilitates the integration of research and learning as part of the artistic process, in addition to showcasing performances with mass appeal.

NUS Arts Festival 2023: Spaces Between

NUS Arts Festival 2023: Spaces Between took place from 10-26 Mar 2023. It examined the idea of liminal spaces, the uncomfortable unknown as we transition between phases, and states. While liminal spaces brought discomfort and ambiguity, we explored the opportunities for growth and positive change through over 30 varied live performances, dialogues, films, public art and installations. The festival involved over 800 students, staff, faculty, crew and collaborators.

Relive NUS Arts Festival 2023: Spaces Between at now!


The NUS Arts Festival was first staged in 1998, primarily as a showcase of student talents. As part of NUS’ centenary celebrations in 2006, the Festival was relaunched and expanded to incorporate faculty and practising local and international artists alongside the be best student performers.

Now in its second decade, the NUS Arts Festival draws artists and collaborators from across campus and around the world. It is known for conceptually challenging pieces that speak to both the creative and academic output of NUS.