35 for EMCC35 | Jeffrey Tan

November 29, 2022

35 for EMCC35 | Jeffrey Tan  

In this instalment of our #35forEMCC35 series, we spotlight Jeffrey Tan, a former staff with Centre For the Arts (CFA). During his tenure from 2015-2016, Jeffrey programmed shows for the EMCC Series, and was Group Manager to NUS Stage and NUS Chinese Drama. Significantly, he was involved in two special programmes which coincided with EMCC’s 30th anniversary in 2016: a special EMCC Staff Show involving academic and executive staff performers, and First Sparks, an EMCC 30th anniversary show featuring celebrity alumni.  


What are some of the production roles you have taken and what do you enjoy about them? 

I think Production and Stage Management are essential skills to organise creative ideas and bring them to others!  

I started getting involved with production work when I was 16 years old.  I grew up as an actor with Act3, Singapore first professional children’s theatre in 1984.  When I got older, I became a Stage Manager for Act3 shows. Eventually, I ran their Act3 Workshop Theatre Project, a voluntary monthly theatre platform, where I started to hone my directing skills.  

I also ventured into stage lighting in my twenties, as it allows me to evoke mood or awake ideas in the audience’s imagination.  I also enjoying producing because allows me to create, and provide opportunity to help others realise their dreams.   

You were a CFA staff during EMCC’s 30th anniversary in 2016. What shows did you produce to commemorate the event? 

I produced a special EMCC Staff Show which brought together 18 NUS staff (from Professors to Executives) from nine faculties. They performed at Lecture Theatre 13, the performing venue which housed Campus Concerts (what EMCC was first called) when it started in 1986. 

I also programmed and directed First Sparks within NUS Arts Festival. It was a EMCC 30th anniversary show featuring celebrity alumni like Rani Singam, Selena Tan, Karen Tan, Pam Oei, Rosita Ng, Jack & Rai, ShiLi & Adi. 

They were both very challenging because we were not sure if we were able to get enough participants to make a show!  For a start, I ploughed through CFA archives to identify past staff and student performers. One by one, I wrote to them and sought their participation and support. Additionally to promote First Sparks, I met up with some of them to film short interviews. 

I was very moved by the support of all participants despite their busy schedules. Their sense of belonging to NUS and EMCC was still very strong and they appreciated this platform to reunite and share the stage! The entire process was more than just putting a show together. It was a building of new communities across different generations of EMCC performers. Many of us have continued to stay in touch via Facebook.  

How has the experience been like working with undergraduates from EMCC Crew?  

It was a great experience sharing the programming process with the EMCC crew!  The EMCC Crew leaders were really keen to learn programming, and we put out an open call and allocated different members to manage the different EMCC shows. 

I met many EMCC members who were always hungry to learn more about programming and production, and stage managing different types of productions from concerts to theatre shows to pop up events at public spaces within NUS.  

The warm feeling of support and appreciation arising from the bond we had was priceless. 

What hopes do you have for EMCC Crew?   

I hope the EMCC Crew remains curious, adventurous and hungry to try different approaches In programming.  Within the safe space of NUS CFA, you can discover yourself and the types of productions you and your audience may like! 


About #35forEMCC35 

NUS Centre For the Arts is proud to commemorate 35 years of ExxonMobil Campus Concerts (EMCC) through our #35forEMCC35 series. Spotlighting 35 individuals from past and present editions of EMCC, the series showcases how EMCC has complemented these individuals’ academic and professional lives, and their hopes for EMCC in the years to come.