35 for EMCC35 | Lester Ng 

October 07, 2022

35 for EMCC35 | Lester Ng  

In this instalment of our #35forEMCC35 series, we spotlight Lester Ng, presently an NUS undergraduate in his third year. Lester was EMCC Crew’s Vice-President for Productions from 2020 to 2021, which coincided with the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic. Lester recalls the challenges and opportunities of show production during those trying times, and how EMCC Crew kept the show running, no matter what.   


Which year and how did you first get started with EMCC Crew?  

I joined EMCC Crew when I was a year 1 in 2019 at the annual Student Life Fair. I was from a technical support co-curricular activity (CCA) back in secondary school and junior college, so I was keen to continue this interest in University.  

What role did you play in EMCC Crew? 

I was the Vice-President for Productions from 2020 to 2021 and oversaw the productions in the EMCC seasons, and ensured that they ran smoothly. Memorably in 2020, COVID-19 struck, resulting in physical shows being replaced with digital performances. There were thus a lot of changes to adapt to, challenges to overcome and many new things to learn. I am glad that my Executive Committee (EXCO) worked really well together, along with the CFA staff and we had a successful year. Apart from that, I have also dabbled in front-of-house (FOH), production management and livestreaming.  

What is the most cherished memory of your time with EMCC Crew?  

My most cherished time would be my EMCC Crew EXCO term and the relationships that I have forged with crew members and NUS Centre For the Arts (CFA) staff. We were presented with challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic but we managed to overcome it through adaptation and perseverance. I was proud that the EMCC Crew managed to keep the show running in those difficult times.   

Could you share a memorable production which EMCC Crew put up during the pandemic?  

It would definitely be the edition of Bring it Back to Live held in March 2021. It was the first time an EMCC show was held in the UCC Theatre since the pandemic, albeit without an audience. It seemed like it was the culmination of the year as we could finally apply what we learnt in digital productions, and witness how the elements of traditional sound, lighting and design came together for a live show.  

The show was a success, and it strengthened my belief that productions can take place in so many forms. With some creativity and hard work from the crew, there will always be a way to make it happen. 

What has your experience with EMCC taught you about yourself, or the arts in general?  

Everybody has a place in the arts. Like most people, I do not possess any experience as a performer, but this did not hinder my appreciation for the arts. Through the EMCC Crew, I have found my place in the arts and am glad that I can be a part of it.   

What hopes do you have for EMCC Crew or its programming?    

I hope that the EMCC shows continue to showcase the finest talents on campus and to provide a platform for them to express themselves. For the EMCC Crew, I hope that they continue with the professionalism and improve themselves to take up more challenges.   


About #35forEMCC35 

NUS Centre For the Arts is proud to commemorate 35 years of ExxonMobil Campus Concerts (EMCC) through our #35forEMCC35 series. Spotlighting 35 individuals from past and present editions of EMCC, the series showcases how EMCC has complemented these individuals’ academic and professional lives, and their hopes for EMCC in the years to come.