35 for EMCC35 | Neo Yi Hui

October 03, 2022

In this instalment of our #35forEMCC35 series, we spotlight Neo Yi Hui, a Communications and New Media graduate from 2020, who was President of EMCC Crew in AY 2017/18. She credits her time with EMCC Crew in moulding her as a creative solutionist in her current role in as a Copywriter/Producer in the fast-paced media industry.  

What role did you play in the EMCC series? 

I joined EMCC Crew from 2016 to 2020. I was the President of EMCC Crew in AY 2017/18, where I ran campaigns and managed a growing team of passionate individuals. We saw a growth in the number of sign-ups, and it was gratifying to see new faces and also returning faces. Each one had a forte or interest in different aspects of show production – from video and photography, pre-show publicity, front-of-house to backstage management.  

What is the most cherished memory you have of your time with EMCC? 

I love that every show is a new brand experience on its own, be it meeting new people, transforming spaces or being introduced to a new art form. Working on EMCC, I’ve interacted with renowned international circus performers, professional Chinese Opera troupes, prominent local filmmakers, various NUS performing arts groups and more. These are all treasured memories from my university days.   

What has your experience with EMCC taught you about being an artist, or the arts in general? 

EMCC has taught me that art is subjective, not because it’s either good or bad, but because it stimulates different feelings in each person experiencing it. The beauty of our role in EMCC Crew is the process of reconciling the creative and technical aspects of the arts to pull off a show. We act as the bridge between the artists and audiences to create unforgettable experiences for both the creators and the receivers.   

What are you currently working as? How has your EMCC experience complemented your professional life? 

EMCC has moulded me to become a better communicator and confident leader. We have to be attentive to every detail of the production – from getting to know each and every performer and crew involved, to remembering the entire rundown of the show by heart. Now that I’m working in the creative media industry, I see similarities in my current work my job and my experiences in arts & stage management then. We’d often find ourselves planning ahead, but also having to think on our feet at the eleventh hour. It is about finding creative solutions amidst the chaos, and being able to work both independently and cooperatively in a team. 

What hopes do you have for EMCC Crew?   

I hope that the EMCC Crew can continue to come up with more novel and awakening ideas in programming, and have the chance to work with the newest state-of-the-art facilities and venues in the upcoming years.  


About #35forEMCC35 

NUS Centre For the Arts is proud to commemorate 35 years of ExxonMobil Campus Concerts (EMCC) through our #35forEMCC35 series. Spotlighting 35 individuals from past and present editions of EMCC, the series showcases how EMCC has complemented these individuals’ academic and professional lives, and their hopes for EMCC in the years to come.