35 for EMCC35 | Siow Yun Jing

August 31, 2022

35 for EMCC35 | Siow Yun Jing

In this instalment of our #35forEMCC35 series, we spotlight Siow Yun Jing who was President of ExxonMobil Campus Concerts (EMCC) Crew in AY2020/2021 — the year when COVID-19 changed the way artists and production crew around the world produced and presented their art. Currently working as a Public Relations Strategist, Yun Jing credits the EMCC platform for creating a space for individuals like her, who are passionate about contributing to the arts off-stage. Read on to find out what she learnt from her time with EMCC Crew, and her future hopes for the team.

How did you first get started with EMCC Crew?

I first got to know about EMCC Crew through NUS Student Life Fair when I was a first-year student in AY2017/2018. It was very refreshing to know that there’s a co-curricular activity dedicated to backstage or behind-the-scenes production. I still remember my first EMCC show. It was a live band performance and I was working with the Front-of-House (FOH) team to welcome patrons to the show. It was very exciting to see people gather on campus to enjoy performances. Though FOH appears to be a simple role, I thoroughly enjoyed the process of sharing our programme with passers-by and inviting them to join us.

What roles did you play in EMCC Crew?

I had the opportunity to try out a variety of roles like FOH, Assistant Stage Manager and show publicity. Each role is an opportunity to learn about the different aspect of show production. Through these, I also enhanced my interpersonal skills, organisational skills and ability to focus on crucial details.

What is the most cherished memory you have of your time with EMCC Crew?

My most cherished memory is from my time as an EXCO member on EMCC Crew. I was exposed to the nitty gritty of show production behind the EMCC series. It was also an invaluable experience working alongside NUS CFA’s Talent Development and Programming (TDP) team and I learnt a lot from them.

This was also the year which COVID hit. Though we were bummed out by the cancellation of physical shows, it was refreshing and inspiring to see how our crew and artists shifted gears amidst changing restrictions to continue presenting their craft through alternative online platforms, methods and presentation methods.

How did your passion for the arts intersect with what the EMCC platform seeks to achieve?

My passion for the arts stems from the belief that there’s a place for everyone in the arts! I’ve helped backstage during my secondary school days in English Drama, and I’ve witnessed the hard and professional work behind-the-scenes, like sound, lights, and the moving of props. This aligns with what EMCC Crew hopes to achieve – to create a space for individuals passionate about contributing to the arts off-stage, and to shine a spotlight on them. I am grateful EMCC offered me this space where I could grow and explore different aspects of show production before deciding which fits me the most.

What future hopes do you have for EMCC?

The EMCC series have always been very well-curated and I hope that they continue to provide good and free arts programmes to the NUS community and beyond! I hope that EMCC will also continue providing a platform for budding and inspiring artists to grow their ideas and express themselves without having to worry about resource constraints such as budget or venue.

I hope that the EMCC Crew will continually improve themselves through training programmes and individuals will feel pride in the work that they do contributing to art shows in their own ways.


About #35forEMCC35

NUS Centre For the Arts is proud to commemorate 35 years of ExxonMobil Campus Concerts (EMCC) through our #35forEMCC35 series. Spotlighting 35 individuals from past and present editions of EMCC, the series showcases how EMCC has complemented these individuals’ academic and professional lives, and their hopes for EMCC in the years to come.