35 for EMCC35 | Tan Wee Lee

December 02, 2022

35 for EMCC35 | Tan Wee Lee

In this instalment of our #35forEMCC35 series, we spotlight Tan Wee Lee, an Electrical Engineering graduate from the Class of 2021. Like many of his peers, Wee Lee discovered EMCC Crew through the annual Student Life Fair, a CCA recruitment drive for freshmen. Between 2018-2020, Wee Lee planned productions and events for the NUS student population, and training for EMCC Crew. While the COVID-19 pandemic curtailed a number of productions toward the tail end of his his exco term as VP (Productions), Wee Lee found his time on EMCC Crew meaningful, and acquired transferable skills that he applies in his current job. Today, he is a Rail Engineer at Alstom, and counts the recently opened Thomson-East Coast Line Stage 3 as one of his achievements.


How did you first get started with EMCC Crew?

I had some experience in managing production events prior to entering NUS, and speaking with the EMCC Crew members during the Student Life Fair got me interested, so I signed up to be part of the team.

What roles did you play in the EMCC series?

I was involved in the planning and production of EMCC’s Discovery season back in 2019. Discovery was an EMCC Season show that showcased fresh and emerging singer-songwriters on campus. It allowed me the opportunity to liaise with many student artists from different backgrounds. This experience motivated me to join the EMCC Crew student executive committee in AY20/21, and I became Vice President (Productions).

During my tenure, I organised and coordinated events such as HERE! Arts Carnival & EMCC Season Shows and workshops conducted by Kenny Wong from Esplanade. However, due to the COVID-19 outbreak in early 2020, we didn’t manage to put up some of the EMCC season shows.

What is the most cherished memory you have of your time with EMCC?

For me, it would be the planning of HERE! Arts Carnival 2019. I was heavily involved in the planning and coordination of the event. Although tough, it was one of the most fruitful events I have ever planned.

What has your experience with EMCC Crew taught you about the arts in general?

During my time with EMCC Crew, I learnt to appreciate more about the arts in general and it allowed me to see reality in a different perspective and how to approach it.

How has your EMCC experience complemented your current professional life?

During my term as VP (Productions) on EMCC Crew, I had to co-ordinate and plan manpower resources to support productions.

I am now a Rail Engineer at Alstom, doing testing and commissioning activities for the Thomson-East Coast Line (TEL). The skill sets I acquired in EMCC, such as (event planning and coordination) enable me to foresee and allocate resources properly (manpower, equipment) for the testing activities.

What hopes do you have for EMCC Crew or its programming? 

I hope EMCC will be able to further reach out to not only the NUS community, but also the general public. At the same time, I do hope the creative platform that EMCC provides, gives the avenue for aspiring performers to develop and showcase their talent out there.


About #35forEMCC35 

NUS Centre For the Arts is proud to commemorate 35 years of ExxonMobil Campus Concerts (EMCC) through our #35forEMCC35 series. Spotlighting 35 individuals from past and present editions of EMCC, the series showcases how EMCC has complemented these individuals’ academic and professional lives, and their hopes for EMCC in the years to come.