Amplitude – Acapella and more!

February 03, 2020

Everyone has a voice. In fact, singing is one hobby that can unite almost everyone, which is why NUS boasts a huge range of choirs, acapella groups and singers in other configurations. Whether it’s as part of the NUSChoir, a CAC singing group or a hall group, singing in harmony brings people together to create something beautiful.

Presenting as one of the performances in this season’s ExxonMobil Campus Concerts (EMCC) is Amplitude, a combined hall Choir and Acapella concert. They bring groups from across the seven halls of residence together in a single evening of musical delight in Histoire De La Vie.


This year’s event will be staged at the UCC Theatre and we spoke with key organiser Richard Liu Boyang to learn more about how this event unites so many disparate groups from across the university.

Amplitude has been the largest singing event for students at NUS for some years now. How did it first come about?

Shears Hall Acapella Group at a past Amplitude concert

It all started when a group of students noticed that our Halls of Residences have different combined hall events, such as Rag and Dance, to showcase the various talents we have at the Halls. However, we did not have an event for our Choir and Acapella groups then. This group of students saw it as a waste and regretful that we did not have a platform to showcase our talented singers. Hence, Amplitude was born out of the vision to showcase the amazing voices at the Halls!

Has it always been presented as part of EMCC?

This is actually our first year working with EMCC for our production! EMCC has helped us greatly in raising the quality of our production. In the past, Amplitude was merely a platform for our Choir and Acapella groups to sing. Now, Amplitude aims to go above and beyond an ordinary concert. This year, our theme is Histoire de La Vie, where we explore the life stories of different individuals in NUS!

Amplitude features groups and singers from across NUS’ seven halls. Is the production a shared vision or is it driven by a specific person?

Amplitude is a shared vision across NUS’ seven halls. Over the years, Amplitude has become a signature event for our Choir and Acapella groups. This serves as a platform where our singers from all seven halls can gather and sing together. It is also a platform where the singers are united through their passion for singing. Therefore, Amplitude also fosters a sense of identity and belonging among our Choir and Acapella groups! Even among the residents, this concert is a yearly affair which they look forward to.

What’s the key to coordinating so many voices [both on stage and in developing the event]?

The key lies with everyone’s determination and commitment towards the success of Amplitude. I am proud to say that all the Choir and Acapella groups are committed to the event and are excited to perform for everyone! Of course, not forgetting EMCC, which has shown great support to the event throughout and provided for the needs of the performing groups and the organising committee.

How do shared events like these change the relationships between the halls? Are you competitive or mutually supportive?

Shared events such as Amplitude has promoted the relationships between the Halls. This annual concert made us realise that we are not simply residents of individuals halls, but we are all part of the bigger Halls of Residences community. Through inter-hall interaction, it ignites the competitive spirit within the performing groups to aspire to sing better, but support can also be seen between every Hall as they share their experiences with one another. Overall, these interactions contribute to our thriving residential life in NUS!
Amplitude 2020: Histoire de la Vie is part of the current season of ExxonMobil Campus Concerts. Registration is free.