Creating the perfect experience

May 11, 2020

Some of the advantages of being a student artist with the NUS Centre For the Arts are the access to experienced arts professionals and world-class performance venues. In putting together their show, students have the guidance and help of experienced artistic directors, an enthusiastic programming team and a dedicated venues team – all of whom help transform the student artist’s vision into a critically acclaimed production.

For the University Cultural Centre (UCC) Team, comprising of Venues Management, Production Services and Facilities Management, supporting NUS students in their artistic exploration adds pride, diversity and positivity to their work. In this edition of Spotlight, we catch up with three members of the team to learn about what makes them tick and how they create vibrant occasions at UCC, for all their users; student groups, as well as local and international artists.

Geraldine Sew from Venues Management is responsible for bookings, liaising with patrons for logistical and planning matters, and also acts as a front-of-house manager to run the event on the actual day. When supporting students in their work, Geraldine is instilled with a sense of pride in supporting NUS artistes through a state-of-the-art performance stage.

“UCC was originally built as a venue for NUS’ graduation ceremonies; prior to its completion, the ceremonies were held at Kallang Theatre. Although this was its main purpose, the Hall and Theatre featured professional staging infrastructure (lighting and sound systems, working flybars, etc.) which made them capable of hosting theatrical productions as well.

UCC thus provided an avenue for students to explore what it would be like to be involved in a professional arts environment. Students could learn about planning for an event, how to organise and stage a production, and perhaps also learn how sound and lighting equipment and other theatre systems work – an opportunity which they would not have elsewhere on campus.”

Productions at UCC are made multi-sensory through state-of-the-art sound, light and stage systems

Not only are the performances at CFA an exercise in perfection, many artists also pride themselves in experimenting with unique art forms and unusual spaces. Such explorations are a welcome challenge for Shyam Kesavan in infrastructural flexibility and agility. Serving in the Production Services team for almost a decade, Shyam oversees the technical setups for shows including their lighting, sound, and staging requirements.

“No two days are ever the same! Every day brings new exciting challenges which keeps me on my toes. One of the most memorable events I support every year is the HERE! Arts Carnival which sees us deploying hardware across various external spaces and transforming it into an arts space for the campus community. Seeing it all come together is the most satisfying feeling ever!”

CFA Arts Excellence Groups' students gain hands-on experience working backstage with the Production Services Team

While Shyam guides students through the challenges of staging a production, Rachel Tan of the Facilities Management (FM) team ensures that UCC’s fundamental systems and services like electricity, air-conditioning, housekeeping and security are functioning optimally to provide a conducive environment for rapt audiences.

“It’s not a deskbound job. Most of the time, FM will be on the walk and to locations where the essential services are located. The FM job is not just about scheduling maintenance works, but includes prioritizing tasks in a manner that supports stakeholders efficiently. It is also important to have a positive mind-set and willingness to learn from different stakeholders. Issues can be de-conflicted by understanding the other person’s perspective.”

Indeed, a keen understanding of the facility and a keener sense of empathy are Rachel’s strengths in creating and optimising engaging experiences at UCC.

Audiences enjoy an up-close experience with the performer in the comfort of UCC Hall

The successful journey of an NUS artist from concept, to planning, to performance and encore creates growth and fulfilment for the UCC Venues Team. As the artists take their bow to yet another standing ovation, Geraldine, Shyam and Rachel cheer them on from the front-of-house, backstage and control systems room.