Growing from strength to strength these 40 years

Growing from strength to strength these 40 years

March 02, 2020

Formed in 1980, the NUSChoir, is an award-winning youth choir. They are committed to promoting excellence in choral music within the NUS community, and to bringing their music to audiences, both local and foreign. Each year, the NUSChoir performs and competes in a wide spectrum of events.

The choir has participated in international competitions overseas and garnered numerous gold awards across various categories such as those from Fiesta Choralis, World Choir Games and most recently in 2018, they clinched the title of ‘Choir of the World’, at the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod.

We caught up with their members to find out their fondest memories in these 40 years, and what they’re doing to mark their 40th anniversary year.

Current members of NUSChoir

A 40th anniversary is a very important milestone for the NUSChoir. What significant activities have been planned for in support of this? Which is the most significant and why?

The most significant event for us would be the Christmas Homecoming which consisted of a prelude party and a grand carolling session. We had a strong turnout for both events  and all of us had a good time celebrating the festive season together. While we usually get together every Monday and Thursday to practise, there is just not enough time and space for us to interact and really get to know one another. So the Christmas Homecoming was really significant as this was the opportunity to get together and simply enjoy one another’s company.

The NUSChoir has won many international awards, with the most recent in 2018 at the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod. What does it take to enable the NUSChoir to win these awards?

We believe that the awards we have earned are the fruitful results of everyone’s contributions. The support from CFA, NUS, and our family and friends, and the collaborative effort from the committee, our voice tutors, our Choral Director, and each and every NUSChoir member has helped us achieve these awards. The motivation and encouragement we receive from everyone around us inspires us to work harder to reach our goals.


Past members of NUSChoir

What is your proudest NUSChoir memory?

Mabel Yeo Hui Xing (2011-2014)

When I think about The NUSChoir, my proudest moment will always be the moment I stood on stage in Llangollen as the choir received the title of “Choir of the World” in 2018. I was part of the team when The NUSChoir first participated in the exact same competition in 2012, and winning the title after 6 years was such a surreal experience. I’m thankful I got to experience that as an alumna of the choir.

Peh Kai Le (2010-2014)

One of my proudest NUSChoir memories was the impromptu singing of ‘We Wish You a Merry Christmas’ during two of our fellow choristers’ wedding in December 2019. It was truly amazing to see so many generations of NUSChoir choristers coming together to spread the festive cheer through beautiful harmonies and most importantly, our love for singing. Music indeed brings people together!

Glenn Wong (2007-2011)

My proudest NUSChoir memory was when I was asked to be one of two soloists for Orde-e in Varsity Voices 2008. I vividly remember that the stage lighting was very intimate with only two round spotlights shining on us during the performance. It was here that I began my professional vocal journey and started studying voice as an instrument to improve my singing technique. I believe that had I not been asked, I would not be one of the few countertenors contributing to the local opera scene today.

How are you different because of your experience with NUSChoir?

Kenny Ho Whye Leong (2016-2017)

My NUSChoir experience has definitely shaped my life―even now as an alumnus, to become more social and centred around communities as it has been nothing short of incredible opportunities to share my love for music with people, both internationally and locally. I’m grateful for the memories I share with the choir and wish all NUSChoir members―past, present or future, a happy 40th anniversary!

Do you ever think about the legacy of the group? What comes to mind when you think about the people who started NUSChoir and supported the group over the years?

Malcolm Sujeeth Ravindran (2013-2016)

The legacy of The NUSChoir will always be at the forefront of those who have been through its doors―the culture of constant pursuit of choral excellence is testament to the dedication and hard work of those who have been a part of the choir through its illustrious history.

Laura Novilia Gunarso (2012-2016)

I think across generations a common theme remains that The NUSChoir is a family-like community where people help each other to grow together. We fought and argued along the way (more intensely so, nearer to concerts and competitions) but eventually our common passion for singing and aspiration to do the best for the choir brought us back together.

I am sure each batch, each member contributed in their own way and took away their own precious memory, but I would like to especially thank our Choral Director Nelson.  I have witnessed, first-hand, how much thought, time, and energy he has given the choir week after week to bring the choir to where it is today and let us have those precious memories to walk away with.