Baba House Conservation Neighbourhood Tour

4 May 2024, 10:00 am

25 May 2024, 10:00 am

Registration Fee $10

Register here

NUS Baba House

Is heritage just about preserving ‘old’ things? Join us for this special tour led by the Baba House NUS student facilitators around the historical Blair Plain conservation district and discover the unseen histories and communities of the area and why they matter to us today.

Starting at the NUS Baba House, explore the different architectural features of the townhouses along the neighbourhood, and learn how its historical and contemporary inhabitants have shaped the space.

Alongside, see how shifting urban planning and conservation attitudes have influenced the preservation of selective histories in the district. Uncover the surprising history of overlooked features like the back lanes, and the challenges of conserving these stories and communities in a rapidly changing urban environment.

At the end, participants will get a chance to contribute to an open opinion board in response to our upcoming conservation works in 2025. Share your thoughts on the current attitudes towards conservation, and participate in the ongoing conversations about our urban heritage and its future.

Please bring 3.5mm wired earphones for the portable transmitter we will be using during the tour as wireless/Bluetooth will not work. Alternatively, you can purchase one set on the day itself for $2.50 SGD (cash only).