EMCC | Move by NUS Chinese Drama (Fully Subscribed)

20 Oct 2022, 7:30 pm

Free admission. Registration required.

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UTown Dance Atelier 2

(This event is fully subscribed. Thank you for your support!)

About this event

“Move” is a work-in-progress by NUS Chinese Drama. It features excerpts of Shakespeare’s Macbeth, which will be used in the group’s collaboration with NUS Chinese Orchestra during NUS Arts Festival 2023.

Focusing on the use of body and movement to express the texts of the Scottish play, performers explore how the text can be embodied and brought to life. The showcase seeks to explore through body movement how works of literature from centuries ago can still move us today.

Dialogue will be presented in Mandarin with no surtitles.

Formed in 2003, NUS Chinese Drama strives to create performances that resonate with human emotions and experiences as well as provoke critical thinking. Currently under the guidance of Judy Ngo, NUS Chinese Drama aims to nurture actors who are committed to learning how to express themselves through theatre, and wishes to develop a holistic experience of theatre for both themselves and their audience.