EMCC | Soirée: Momentous by NUS Harmonica

2 Apr 2022, 7:30 pm

Free admission. Pre-registration required.

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University Cultural Centre Dance Studio

NUS Harmonica presents Soiree 2022: Momentous, a musical exploration of an individual’s journey through time. Measured conventionally, time is an unstoppable force of physics that advances in a singular direction. However, due to its universality, scientific time also exists as the backdrop to our most personal and intimate moments. The constancy of time is disrupted by these moments of intense emotions, which can be perceived as points of transformation within an individual’s lifetime. Furthermore, when we reflect upon our lives, we tend to remember only those significant events have occurred, not the specific amount of time that has passed.

NUS Harmonica desires to capture a series of musical snapshots of moments throughout one’s life. Through these pieces, we hope to remind the audience of key moments in their lives, and that we are shaped not only by the years of life we have lived, but also the moments within it.

About NUS Harmonica

NUS Harmonica aims to promote harmonica performance as a unique and versatile art form, by showcasing the distinct sounds that can be produced by harmonicas of different pitches and tones.

It has a well-established history in the harmonica scene, both locally and abroad. It has won medals at the Asia Pacific Harmonica Festival and performed in national events such as the Singapore Youth Olympic Games City Celebrations. The group has also organized the Singapore Youth Harmonica Festival twice, with the goal of increasing enthusiasm for harmonica playing among youths.