Freshmen Concert 2022: Da Capo by NUS Piano Ensemble (SOLD OUT)

23 Oct 2022, 7:00 pm

$10 (SOLD OUT)

UTown SRC Dance Atelier 2

(This event is sold out, thank you for your support!)

Meaning ‘from the beginning’, Da Capo expresses the idyllic joy of exploring piano duos and duet works together with friends. New beginnings are often accompanied by a curious mix of trepidation and excitement – a journey which brings you from meeting your partner for the first time, to the moment right before the stage. This year, one of our largest batches of new members will be bringing you an eclectic array of music from composers all over the world, featuring eight composers of diverse styles and backgrounds.

NUS Piano Ensemble is a member of NUS Centre of the Arts, and one of 20 co-curricular arts activity groups (CCA) distinguished as Arts Excellence Groups in NUS.