NUS Arts Festival 2022: Light Takes Form – Light as a material for art

9 Mar 2022, 7:30 pm

Free Admission (Registration Required)

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Light artist James Turell once remarked, “Light is not so much something that reveals, as it is itself the revelation”.

This panel explores how light is manifested, transformed, and treated as medium, resource, and the product of art. How can light be a form of artistic visualisation in a world illuminated by projections, virtual realities, augmented realities, and the metaverse? How can we extend our capacity to harness light to “see” better? With the manipulation of light sources, can we always trust what we see in artworks? Traversing issues in art conservation to digital practices, the materiality of light vis-à-vis vision is interrogated to reveal both productivity and playfulness.

Speakers: Dr Khoo Eng Tat and Lawrence Chin

Related Performances:
 Perception – Chinese Dance
 Blackout – NUS Stage
 Thanmai – Indian Dance
 Radiance of Hope – NUS Symphony Orchestra