NUS Arts Festival 2022: Illuminating the Poetics of Space – Light as Meaning-Making

16 Mar 2022, 7:30 pm

Free Admission (Registration Required)

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How do we look at and encounter spaces – in particular, public art and landscapes?

What is often latent to such sites are a complex constellation of meaning, space, and material coming together in dialogue with each other to create experience. This conversation examines the interactions between natural and urban spaces through artistic interventions, as well as embodied cartographies that construct intimate representations of environments. Here, navigating such spaces while making meaning of the world around us is not contingent entirely on language and texts, but on the ways that our embodied responses in relation to such public structures refract, expand, or diminish our connections with nature. By being obstructions or conduits of light, the panel discussion locates how such public sites determine the presence and movement of organic bodies, emotional responses, socio-political contexts, and uses.

Speakers: Dr May Ee Wong and Wong Zi-Hao

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