NUS Arts Festival 2022: A Close Eyecounter

Installation Opens 18 Mar 2022, 9:00 am

Installation Closes 27 Mar 2022, 9:00 pm

Free Admission (Subject to prevailing safe management measures)

Our eyes constantly translate degrees of light, shade, and colour, forming them into images that are consumed, filtered, and stored in our visual memory. Technology enables us to not just view our immediate surroundings, but visual content that transcends time and space.

While technology has enabled us to see more, we must not forget the scientific innovations that have allowed us to see clearly, aiding 83% of the population who live with myopia. Without the inventions that were created to mitigate our visual conditions, how will myopic individuals move through the world?

In A Close Eyecounter, artist Ryf Zaini asks us to consider how much of our lives are determined by what we see. Do we take our quality of sight for granted? What changes when our vision dims, and there is no solution for it?

A collaboration with the NUS College of Design and Engineering, this interactive installation utilises simulated LiDAR technology that analyses individuals’ eyes, providing a technological diagnosis that serves as a stark reminder of how our eyes, just like our devices, need to be taken care of – allowing us to renew our senses again.