NUS Arts Festival 2022: Incandescent – a city that never sleeps by NUS Dance Synergy

18 Mar 2022, 8:00 pm

General $25

Students $15

Friends of CFA $25 for two

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Conceived by Yarra Ileto and directed by Jeremiah Choy, the Festival’s opening piece investigates an everyday question that we might have forgotten to ask – why can’t we see the stars with our naked eye anymore?

With music created by Dr Robert Casteels showcasing the NUS Guitar Ensemble (GENUS), and the inclusion of dance multimedia elements designed by Mervin Wong, this bold new work looks at how the body responds to artificial light and the insidious impact of light pollution in urban cities today. A contemporary work for our times that probes further into our modern lifestyle - does it embrace or disrupt the symbiotic relationship between the body and the environment?