SPOTLIGHT: Grayscale by NUS Stage

From 26 March 2022

Free Admission

SPOTLIGHT: Grayscale is a theatrical show by NUS Stage which aims to explore multifaceted stories where there are no clear answers. The show consists of three short plays that are written, directed and performed by the members of NUS Stage, each with varying interpretations of the theme. Be taken on a journey beyond the conceivable. They always say that there are 3 sides to a story: mine, yours, and the truth. With increasing levels of interconnectedness, we reach with every passing moment new “truths” that are constantly being uncovered. We are quick to jump to conclusions whenever they please our ears before discovering the whole truth. We vehemently defend our side of the story, yet are just as quick to change our minds when we hear the next best “truth”. Today’s world is volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. The only way to make any good use of our time here is to attempt to make sense of the chaos, and, in doing so, uncover our own “truth”.

NUS Stage organises SPOTLIGHT, an annual production where members experience the onstage and backstage work of producing a theatrical show. Due to the COVID-19 restrictions this year, SPOTLIGHT: Grayscale will be also recorded and live-streamed on our YouTube channel for everyone to enjoy in the safety of their own homes.